Teacher Reimbursement Request Form

This form is for teachers to submit receipts for reimbursement from the WIS PTO Teachers Discretionary Fund. Each teacher is eligible for $100 per school year.



  • Please fill out completely - in the description section, provide a simple description of what this is for (e.g. pencils, markers, etc.).
  • Attach up to 5 files/pictures/scans of all receipts and supporting documentation. 
  • You have the choice to have your check dropped in your school mailbox or sent to your home.
  • The treasurer will e-mail you when your check is ready in your mailbox/sent home.
  • A receipt of your submitted request will be e-mailed to you (please keep for your records).
  • Questions? Please e-mail our treasurer at treasurer@wispto.com

Attach Receipt/Invoice #5