PTO Board Positions
Executive Board Positions
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Weston Intermediate School PTO,
Inc., Executive Board Meetings, and at all regular and special meetings of the general
membership of the Weston Intermediate School PTO, Inc., and shall perform all other
duties usually pertaining to the office. This Officer, with the Vice President, shall be
responsible for faculty liaison. The President shall review monthly financial statements
as received from the Treasurer. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all
Committees, excepting the Nominating Committee; and may establish Project
Committees and Committee Chairpersons as deemed necessary with the approval of
the PTO Executive Board.
Vice President
The Vice President shall be responsible for all duties of the President in his/her
absence. This Officer, with the President, shall be responsible for faculty liaison. The
Vice President shall provide tours of the school as requested and chair the Long Range
Planning Committee. The Vice President shall be responsible for organizing a
committee to review the governing Bylaws of the Weston Intermediate School Parent
Teacher Organization throughout the year, as well as assisting the President in any
other areas deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings, assist with administrative
responsibilities, and conduct correspondence as directed by the PTO Executive Board
including correspondence with the Executive Board and General Board.
The Treasurer shall receive and disburse, as set forth below, all funds of the Weston
Intermediate School PTO, Inc.; and keep an accurate account of said funds. The
Treasurer shall prepare and submit a proposed annual operating budget and a closing
financial statement to be presented to and approved by the Executive Committee and
the regular membership at their September meetings, and shall make a monthly
financial report at each regular membership meeting. The Treasurer shall be
responsible for filing all tax returns for the Weston Intermediate School PTO, Inc. The
Treasury shall be maintained in an account with a Connecticut banking institution. Only
the Treasurer and President shall be authorized to make withdrawals of funds from the
Organization’s account. The President and Treasurer shall be required to co-sign for
any withdrawal in excess of five thousand dollars ($5000.00). The Treasurers of HES
and WIS will be responsible for coordinating the funds for the Memorial Day Fair. This
will include reconciling the receipts from each night of the Fair as well as making bank
deposits each evening after the Fair closes.
Grade Coordinator
The Grade Coordinator shall coordinate and supervise three (3) Grade Chairpersons
who shall be responsible for all Organization sponsored grade and class activities at the
school. The Grade Coordinator shall supervise room parent assignments, Back To
School Night, Field Day and such other matters, which are proposed by the Grade
Communications Chair
The Communications Chair shall edit, produce and distribute the PTO school newsletter
and shall also distribute any other material to the general membership as requested by
the Executive Board. The Communications Chair shall also be responsible for
maintaining, updating and managing the WIS PTO website and other WIS PTO social
Philanthropy Chair
The Philanthropy Chair shall be responsible for liaising with the the Executive Board,
the general membership and the school administration to identify appropriate proposals
for the best use Weston Intermediate School PTO, Inc. funds. The Philanthropy Chair
shall be further responsible for researching all such philanthropy proposals. The
Executive Board shall be responsible for making expenditure recommendations at the
PTO general meetings. Any proposed significant expenditures shall be subject to
approval by the membership.
Board of Education Representative
The Board of Education Representative shall be responsible for attending Town of
Weston Board of Education regular and special meetings in order to report back to the
Executive Board and the membership and to express the ideas, concerns, and
recommendations of the Organization to the Board of Education.
Immediate Past President of the Organization
The Immediate Past President of the Organization shall be a voting member of the
Executive Board without specific duties; however, the Immediate Past President shall,
whenever possible, serve as the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, and their
role becomes an advisory one if they are in this position for two years.
General Board Positions
Art & Display: The Chair shall be responsible for all PTO art displays throughout
the school. These include, but are not limited to, the PTO bulletin board and an
inspirational seasonal display in WIS’ main hallway.
Book Fair: The Chair shall be responsible for coordination of this fundraising event.
Community Service: The Chair shall be responsible for coordinating, along the
executive board and school administration, community service projects, with the goal of
implementing 3 per year.
Directory/Membership: The Chair is responsible for coordinating PTO membership
recruitment and the publishing of a directory. These duties involve initiating a
membership drive prior to the beginning of the school year, and helping produce and
distribute the directory. The Chair shall also be responsible for contacting parents or
guardians of new WIS students to welcome them and invite them to join the PTO.
Educational Enrichment: The Chair shall, in coordination with WIS teacher grade
leads, research, coordinate and schedule one local educational program per grade.
Family Fun Chair: The Chair shall plan and oversee family events organized by the WIS
PTO, including a grade-wide family fun event for each grade. With approval from the Executive
Board, the Chair may work with committees for major events, such as the Sweetheart Dance.
Fundraising Chair: The Chair shall be responsible for fundraisers including, but not
limited to, Square 1 Art, flower sales at concerts, school supply kits, and other initiatives
that the Executive Board and Chair agree upon.
Garden & Beautification Chair: The Chair shall oversee and maintain the Weston
Intermediate School gardens and add seasonal décor to the entryway.
Grade Chairs (one per grade): The Grade Chairs shall be assigned, one each, to
grades 3 through 5 at the Weston Intermediate School. The Grade Chairs shall be
responsible for all PTO-sponsored grade-level activities/needs, such as collecting a
master list of room parents and complete class lists, supporting the grade’s Field Day,
and assisting in organizing the PTO’s grade-wide family fun event for that year. The
Grade Chair will also be responsible for communicating PTO events via email to
families in the grade, or room parents, as requested by the Grade Coordinator.
LLC Chair: The Chair shall be responsible for organizing volunteer activities with the LLC
staff and helping to coordinate in-school author visits.
Lost and Found: The Chair shall be responsible for managing the lost and found by
periodically displaying items for all to see, advertising missing items to parents, and
donating unclaimed items in an appropriate manner.
Memorial Day Fair: The Chair shall be responsible for coordination of this
fundraising event, along with the Chair representing the Hurlbutt Elementary School
School Pictures: The Chair shall be responsible for coordinating school photo day.
SPED Liaison: The liaison will help identify opportunities for inclusion and facilitate
support for special needs families at PTO-sponsored events. The Liaison will also
communicate relevant updates and information from the District to the PTO for
dissemination among families, and implement a SPED teacher appreciation gesture
during the year.
Spirit Wear Chair: The Chair shall be responsible for designing, ordering, and
distributing school spirit wear items, both in-person and online throughout the year.
Staff Appreciation: The Chair shall be responsible for all staff appreciation events
throughout the year.
Yearbook: The Chair shall be responsible for the compilation, sale and distribution
of the School Yearbook.